- after-service health insurance
- 离职 leave one's job temporarily; ...
- 后 behind; back; rear
- 健康保险 health insurance
- 健康保险 health i urance; health insurance
- 健康保险费 health insurance premium
- 健康保险股 health insurance unit
- 健康保险局 bureau of health insurance
- 健康保险组 group health insurance
- 购买健康保险 to have a health insurance policy; to purchase health insurance
- 国民健康保险 natioanl health insurance; national health insurance
- 集体健康保险 group health insurance
- 健康保险费用 health insurance expense; health insurance premium
- 健康保险计划 health insurance plan
- 健康保险形式 health insurance
- 健康保险学会 health insurance institute
- 健康保险医师 panel doctor
- 自愿健康保险 voluntary health insurance
- 疾病保险,健康保险 words and phraseshealth insurance
- 儿童健康保险计划 schip
- 高等人寿健康保险 advanced life and health insurance
- 国民健康保险制度 national health service nhs
- 健康保险保单分析 health insurance policy analysis
- 健康保险必要条件 mandatory health insurance requirement
- 健康保险委员会 health insurance council
- 美国健康保险协会 health insurance association of america
- 离职后健康保险的法语:assurance-maladie après la cessation de service