- 离 leave; part from; be away fr ...
- 手 hand
- 速度 velocity; speed; blast; bat
- 出手速度 release speed
- 手速 apm
- 滚离手臂步 rolling off the arm
- 离手360度旋转 fh
- 离手大“一”字 fh boomerang
- 离手大回环 fh throw
- 远距离手术 telesurgery
- 发快反手速斜线球 fast backhand crosscourt services
- 故障隔离手册 fim fault isolation manual
- 距离手轮, 距离盘 range hand wheel
- 二尖瓣分离手术刀 mitral commissurotome
- 离手拉菲尔回旋 fh rafeal spin
- 拳不离手,曲不离口 The boxer's fist must stick to its task,and the singer's mouth no rest must ask.Boxing cannot dispense with the handnor song the mouth.constantly study diligently and train hard to attain skilfulnessengage oneself in constant practice so as to be in fighting trim when challenged or so as to be in good form when asked to singPractice makes perfect.
- 拳不离手,曲不离口 the boxer's fist must stick to its task, and the singer's mouth no rest must ask.; boxing cannot dispense with the hand; nor song the mouth.; constantly study diligently and train hard to attain skilfulness [perfection]; engage oneself in constant practice so as to be in fighting trim when challenged or so as to be in good form when asked to sing; practice makes perfect
- 视网膜脱离手术 operation for retinal detachment
- 狭窄道分离手术剪 scissors for division of narrow channels
- 远距离手枪射击 long-range pistol shooting
- 速度 1.[物理学] velocity; speed; blast; bat 初速度 initial velocity; 轨道速度 orbital velocity; 逃逸速度 [天文学] escape velocity; 巡航速度 cruising speed; 匀速度 uniform velocity2.[音乐] tempo3.(快慢的程度) speed; rate; pace; tempo 工业化的速度 the pace of industrialization; 加快速度 increase speed; 轿车以每小时40哩的速度行驶。 the car was going at the rate of 40 miles an hour.; 速度表 autometer (自动车的); speed chart; speedometer; 速度场 [流] velocity field; velocity pattern; 速度传感器 velocity sensor; velocity transducer; velocity pickup; 速度跟踪 rate tracking; 速度共振 velocity resonance; 速度关联 velocity correlation; 速度滑冰 speed skating; 速度记录器 tachograph; 速度记录图 tachograph; 速度记录仪 velograph; 速度计算器 velocity calculator; 速度检测器 speed detector; 速度调定 speed setting; 速度调节 speed adjustment; 速度调节器 speed regulator; 速度调整 speed adjustment; 速度调制 velocity modulation (v. m.); 速度调制电视制 velocity modulation television system; 速度显示器 velocity indicator; 速度仪表 speed measuring instrument
- 国际长距离手枪射击协会 the international long range pistol association
- 视网膜剥离手术器械包 retina detachment operation set
- 掷球时球离手的动作 release
- 残疾人事先得到了一本二手速记手册施舍品 the handicapped man got a second-hand handout of shorthand handbook beforehand