

  • prohibition of exploitation



  • 例句与用法
  • The specific area of the reclamation - forbidden slope shal1 be determined and announced by the local people ' s government at the county leve1
  • Destroying forest or burning vegetation for land reclamation , or building dykes to reclaim land from a lake or reclaiming slopes banned by the state shall be prohibited
  • The people ' s governments of provinces , autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government may , in line with the actual conditions of the areas under their respective jurisdiction , prescribe the reclamation - forbidden slope of below 25 degrees
  • Article 33 where any enterprise , institution , or agricultural collective economic organization , without approva1 of the department of water administration under the people ' s government at the county leve1 , reclaims waste hillsides with a slope of above 5 degrees but under the reclamation - forbidden degrees , the department of water administration under the people ' s government at the county level shal1order the cessation of the reclamation and the adoption of remedial measures , and may also impose a fine
  • Anyone who has conducted reclamation for cultivation of crops on the reclamation - forbidden slopes before the entry into force of this law shall , on the basis of capital farming construction and in the light of the actua1 conditions , gradually stop the cultivation and , instead , plant trees , grow grass and restore the vegetation , or build terraced fields thereon
  • Article 32 in the case of any violation of the provisions in article l4 of this law by cultivating crops on reclamation - forbidden hill slopes , the department of water administration under the people ' s government at the county level shall order the cessation of the reclamation and the adoption of remedial measures , and may also impose a fine
  • Article 24 the local people ' s governments at various levels sha1l organize agricultura1 collective economic organizations and farmers to manage in a planned way the cultivated land with a slope of above 5 degrees but under the reclamation - forbidden degrees , by taking in line with different conditions such water and soil conservation measures as regulating drainage systems , building terraced fields , and practicing a method of cultivation conducive to water and soi1 conservation
  • 推荐英语阅读
禁止开垦的英文翻译,禁止开垦英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译禁止开垦,禁止开垦的英文意思,禁止開墾的英文禁止开垦 meaning in English禁止開墾的英文禁止开垦怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
