One perfecting the science of uniting the individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness who passes from this world by dhumah the demigod of smoke , ratrih the demigod of night ; krsnah the demigod of the waning moon and also dasinyanam the presiding demigod of the six months for the suns progression between summer solstice and winter solstice , after reaching the heavenly illuminated lunar spheres undergoes rebirth 修炼个体意识(知觉)和根本意识(觉知)的融合统一,而要实现圆满的行者,在离世时,借助于烟神杜玛,夜神拉特瑞,月缺之神库瑞斯那,以及主宰夏至到冬至的时令之神达斯因亚那姆的帮助,在到达了被天堂光芒照亮的月亮般的星球之后,会再次转生。
And he renewed the flame of his lance with a gesture which made one think of dionysus of crete . but i , being only a little child , was terrified by this undaunted courage , which appeared to me both ferocious and senseless , and i recoiled with horror from the idea of the frightful death amidst fire and flames which probably awaited us 于是他便挥动他的长枪,使枪上的火绳燃得更炽烈,他那副神情简直就象是古希腊的酒神达俄尼苏斯。可我,在那时只是个小孩子,却被这种大无畏的勇气吓坏了,我觉得那种样子又凶又蠢,我恐惧地倒退了几步,想躲开空中和火光中游荡着的可怕的死神。