- 社交 social intercourse; social c ...
- 技能 technical ability; skill; te ...
- 待人接物 the way one gets along with ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 本领 ability; capability; capacit ...
- 待人接物 the way one gets along with people; manner of dealing with people; the way one conducts oneself in relation to others
- 社交技能 social skill
- 社交技能训练 social skill training
- 社会技能;社交技巧 social skills
- 正直诚实的待人接物态度 straight dealings
- 接物待人 attend a matter and receive a person
- 社交技巧 interpersonal skill; social skills
- 商务社交技巧 business social skills
- 男性的本领 the skill of male
- 谁的本领大 shei de ben ling da
- 小画眉的本领 70.the little songbird’s skill
- 英勇,高超的本领 prowess
- 事物的本性 nature of a thing
- 事物的本质 natur der sache
- 与人相处的社交技巧 social interpersonal skill
- 管理国家的本领 statecraft
- 显出自己的本领 show one's paces
- 组织生产的本领 ability to organize production
- 触及事物的本质 get to the essence of a matter
- 揭露事物的本质 uncover the essence of things