Rock - determination of the rock abrasiveness - part 2 : test with a rotating tool 岩石.岩石磨耗性测定.第2部分:使用旋转工具的试验
Rock - determination of the rock abrasiveness - part 1 : schratching - test with a pointed tool 岩石.岩石磨耗性的测定.第1部分:使用指定工具的schratching试验
Petroleum industry and chemical conveying for all types of abrasive and aggressive chemincals 石油及化学制造中,输送各种磨耗性及腐蚀性之化学品一般油槽淤油清除。
Note : we suggest that the client should choose cover thickness according to the type of the conveyed materials , granule , magnitude of the abrasion and etc 注:我们建议客户根据运输物料种类,粒度极其磨耗性的大小等因素来选择不同厚度的盖胶。