磋商 consult; exchange views; hold a discussion 与某人磋商某事 consult with sb. about sth.; 磋商可以通过预约安排在其它时间。 consultations can be arranged at other times by appointment. 两位律师就此案作了磋商。 the two lawyers consulted on the case. 他们退到另一房间秘密磋商。 they retired to another room for private consultation
澄清 澄清1.(清亮) clear; transparent 湖水碧绿澄清。 the water of the lake is green and clear.2.(弄清楚) clear up; clarify 澄清事实 clarify some facts; 澄清误会 clear up a misunderstanding; 要求澄清 demand clarification; 澄清模棱两可之处 clear up ambiguity [obscurity]; 总统的声明澄清了种种谣传和猜测。 the president's statement cleared the air of rumours and guessing.3.(肃清) purify 澄清天下 bring peace and order to the country