碰撞 1.(猛然碰上) collide; run into; knock against; run foul of; crash 互相碰撞 ran foul of each other; 几只滚动在工作台上的木桶互相碰撞。 the casks rolling about on the desk knocked against one another.2.[物理学] collision; impact; hit; impinging; foul; prang 核碰撞 nuclear collision; 意外碰撞 accident collision; 斜向碰撞 oblique collision; 振动碰撞 generating collision; 碰撞负载 impact load; 碰撞机 collider; 碰撞角 impingement angle; 碰撞理论 [物理化学] collision theory; 碰撞破坏 impact wreckage; 碰撞事故 collision accident; 碰撞事件 pileup; 碰撞试验 impact test; bump test
冲击 1.(水流等撞击) lash; pound 激流对海岸的冲击 the impact of the swift current against the shore; 海浪冲击着礁石, 飞起像珠子般的水花。 the wave lashed against the rocks, sending up pearly spray.2.(迅猛攻击) charge; assault; dash; flewit 对社会道德观念的冲击 a shock to the sense of a community; 向敌人阵地发起冲击 charge an enemy position3.[力学] shock4.[物理学] ballistic5.[医学] ictus6.[电学] surge7.[机械工程] impact; impigement
量度继电器和保护装置的冲击与碰撞试验 shock and bumtests on measuring relays and protection equipment
All parts must be handled with care during installation avoiding the collision and impact between parts , the board items are strictly forbidden to be placed on hardware like bolts and screws 在安装过程中,所有部件必须轻拿轻放,避免部件相互碰撞,冲击,严禁板件压在螺钉,螺杆等五金上面。