- 硬货币 hard currency
- 货币 money; currency
- 强势货币 hard currency; hard money; strong currency
- 硬货币 hard currency 瑞士法郎是一种硬货币。 the swiss franc is a hard currency
- 软货币;弱势货币 soft currency
- 弱势货币 nbsp; soft currency
- 硬货币工作地点 hard currency duty stations
- 硬货币;价值稳定的货币 hard currency
- 瑞士法郎是一种硬货币 the swiss franc is a hard currency
- 货币,中国货币,英国货币 currency, chinese currency, british currency
- 硬货 hard goods; hardware
- 对货币 currency pair
- 货币, 通货 currency money
- 货币,金融 monetary
- 货币;金钱 money
- 货币虫 nummulites
- 货币的 monetary; numismatic; nummary; nummulary
- 货币符 currency sign
- 货币化 monetization; monetize
- 货币金 coinage gold
- 货币局 board of commissioners of currency; currency board; currencyboard
- 货币卡 money card
- 货币量 quantity of money
- 货币名 crown; piaster; piastre