

  • silicone tube



  • 例句与用法
  • Silicon tubes and strips
  • At present our main products : all kinds of the glass vacuum cups , heating element of tempering machine , kevlar rope , cutting machine table carpet , brush roller of glass washing machine , rubber roller , castor wheels , silicon rope for the laminated glass , flood & squeegee bar for the colour glazed glass , glass clamps etc
  • Objective : to investigate the effect of pumpless portosystemic bypass in clinical piggyback liver transplantation . methods : after catheterized inferior mesenteric vein , the silastic catheter ( filled with heparin saline ) was connected with the catheterized tube of internal jugular vein or subclavian vein in four piggyback liver transplantation patients . the channel was opened after the portal vein was occluded . the portal vein blood poured into the superior vena cava through the pumpless channel . the changes of mesenteric congestion , portal vein pressure , blood pressure and pulse were observed . results : during the occlusion of portal vein , the portal vein pressure was increased greatly , the intestine was congested and swelled obviously and the blood pressure and pulse fluctuated gently . after the pumpless bypass opened , intestinal congestion and swell were abated markedly , the portal pressure , blood pressure and pulse gradually returned to normal range . conclusions : pumpless portosystemic bypass shows a great effect on clinical piggyback liver transplantation . it is a feasible and economical method
  • 推荐英语阅读
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