- checkerwork
- laying blocks
- laying tiles
- stone masonry
- 砌 opera
- 石 dan,a unit of dry measure fo ...
- 砌石;砌石工程 masonry
- 干砌石 dry stone wall; dry-laid stone; stone pitching
- 铺砌石 flagging
- 砌石坝 stone masonry dam
- 砌石霸 stone masonry dam
- 砌石堤 stone dike; stone-faced bank; stone-pitched jetty
- 砌石法 stone bond
- 砌石工 mason; stone-setter
- 砌石拱 masonry arch
- 砌石面 revetment
- 砌石墙 masonry retaining wall; masonry wall
- 砌石护面;砌石护坡 stone pitching
- 砌石护坡;砌石护面 stone pitching
- 层砌石工 range work
- 穿通砌石 thorough bond
- 干砌石坝 dry-laid masonry dam
- 干砌石护坡 dry stone pitching
- 干砌石基层 dry-stone base
- 干砌石墙 dry stone wall; dyke
- 干砌石圬工 dry-laid masonry; dry-stone masonry
- 加固砌石墙 reinforced masonry
- 浆砌石工 wet masonry
- 浆砌石拱坝 stone masonry arch dam
- The street were muddy, crooked, unpaved .
街道很泥泞,而且弯弯曲曲的,并没有铺砖砌石。 - Application of the dam with laid dry block stone casing
棘洪滩围坝干砌石护坡塌陷原因分析及处理 - Riprap protection for dam slope on the upstream of daguangba earth dam
梅村水库砌石拱坝防渗加固设计 - Paving granite block facing of rw003 near lung tseng tau
铺设邻近于井头挡土墙编号003的花岗石砖砌石面 - On principal points in construction technique of concrete - rubble gravity dam
浅谈砼砌石重力坝施工技术要点 - However , due to wear and tear , the wall structure appears to have loosened
由于原有的砌石墙已经老化,出现松散现象。 - Pitched slope breakwater
砌石护坡防波堤 - Stone pitching surface
砌石保护面 - Random rubble wall
不规则砌石墙 - Application of dry stone pitching revetment with pointing joint by sluicing sand in levee
- 砌石的日语:メーソンリ いしづみ いしづくり つみいしこう いしづみこう
- 砌石的韩语:[동사] 돌을 쌓다.
- 砌石什么意思:阶石。 ▶ 南朝 陈 阴铿 《新成安乐宫》诗: “砌石披新锦, 梁花画早梅。”