短期投资市价回升利益 gain on market price recovery of short-term investment
短期 short-term; short period 在短期内 in a short time; in a brief space of time; 短期计划 a short-term planning; 作短期打算 take short views; 从短期看 on a short view; 短期保险 short---term insurance; 短期拆借 callable [call] loan; 短期持票人 holder in due course; 短期贷款 short-term loan; 短期放款市场 call market; 短期负债 current [short-term] liabilities; 短期公债 short-term public loan; 短期国库券 short-term treasury bond;treasury bills; 短期合伙 joint adventure; 短期汇率 short rate; 短期汇票 short bill; 短期计划 short-term plan; 短期教育 short-cycle education; 短期借款 short-term borrowing; short loan; 短期金融市场 short-term money market; 短期轮训 short-term training in rotation; 短期轮作 short rotation; 短期聘书 sessional appointment; 短期市场 short-term market; 短期趋势 short swings; 短期失业 frictional unemployment; 短期天气预报 short-range weather forecast; 短期通知书 advice of shortage; 短期投资 current [temporary; short-term] investment; 短期效应 short-term effect; 短期信贷[用] short-term credit; 短期行为 short-term action; 短期学习生 [教育学] short-term student; 短期训练班 short course; class of brief training; 短期预测[预报] short-term forecast; 短期债券 short-term bond; 短期债权 short-term claims; 短期债务 quick liabilities; floating [unfunded; short-term] debt; 短期政府债务 unfunded debts; 短期政府证券 short-term government securities; 短期职业训练班 in-and-outer class; 短期资本流动 short-term capital movement; 短期资本市场 money market; 短期租约 short-term tenancy
利益 interest; gain; benefit; profit 利益均沾 share equal profit; 使人民群众得到利益 benefit the masses of the people; 为大多数人谋利益 work for the interests of the vast majority of people; 利益关系人 party interested; 利益集团 interest group; 利益所有人 beneficial owner; 利益协调 harmony of interests; 利益责任单位 profit responsibility unit
Are they well equipped to resist the temptation of corner - cutting in exchange for short term gains 他们又能否抵受以走捷径来赚取短期利益的诱惑?
Ultimately , businesses that operate by focusing on short - term profitability will result in long - term unprofitability 最终,着眼于短期利益的公司,从长期利益来看,是不盈利的。
Short - term profit motives have led china ' s farmers to use polluting plastics , chemical fertilisers and herbicides in abandon 中国的农民在大量使用农膜、化肥、农药和除草剂等来提高土地生产力以获得短期利益。
Unfortunately , scriptlets introduce more long - term complexity to your pages than they offer in terms of short - term benefit 不幸的是,比起它所提供的短期利益, scriptlet会将更多的长期复杂性引入到您的页面中来。
His principal gripe with the city is it is too driven by the short term thing you can measure rather than the real long term gain 他对这个城市最大的不满就是它总是受到可见的短期利益的驱使而忽略了真正的长期利益
The reality is that anyone focused solely on the short - term gains or anyone who is prone to impatience is destined to be disappointed 实际上,任何一个仅仅注重短期利益增长的人或是任何一个容易失去耐心的人都注定会失望。
Ethical companies and individuals are more likely to succeed in the long - term than ones that forgo ethical consideration for the purpose of short - term profit 有操守的公司和个人比起那些为了短期利益而丧失道德底限的公司和个人更容易获得长期的成功。
Where transactions are “ lumpy ” , as in the commercial aircraft industry , the short - term profits from undercutting rivals are too big to resist 但类似民用航空这种价格“奢侈”的行业,情形就不同了,其针对竞争对手降价带来的短期利益之丰厚,实在令人难以抗拒。
Now an assistant professor in the department of information engineering , cuhk at the age of 28 , the young academian reminds local students to pursue their real interest but not short term benefits 年纪轻轻( 28岁)便成为中大讯息工程学系助理教授, jaggi提醒年轻人在选科要追求自己的兴趣,不要只著眼短期利益。
Very many managers only pay attention to superficial the behavior , theshort - term benefit and the stock price , very little can appear theencouragement which should have as the leader to innovate , realizationlong - range objective special ability 很多经理只关注表面的行为,短期利益和股票价格,很少能显现出作为领导应有的鼓励创新,实现长期目标的特殊才能。