For optical - layering approach , we propose an ant - based algorithm , which uses the ants " capability of finding shortest or near - shortest paths between a food source and their nests , to solve the logical topology reconfiguration problem . we give the ants routing formula based on dynamic load balancing and short path on the assumption that some conditions hold 前者适合于业务矩阵变化不是太频繁的网络,提出利用蚂蚁算法解决业务的再路由问题,即利用蚂蚁具有找到最短径及不同种类蚂蚁具有互斥的天然特性来进行逻辑拓扑重配置,从而保证了链路负载分布的平衡性。
For each fedding treatment , the longitude and latitude of the root egg , the number of egg chambers with each developmental grade all changed in a parabola model . the results from native page indicated that there were two specific protein i . e . vitellogenin ( vg ) or vitellin ( vn ) in the female wasp of n . vitripennis 同一种喂食处理中,卵巢长度的时间动态几乎都无变化; 1级卵子数、 2级卵子数和成熟卵子数的变化,是抛物线变化趋势,即先增加,然后减少;基部卵子短径和长径也是抛物线变化趋势。