The excimer laser refractive surgical instrument can be used to correct myopia , hyperopia astigmatism diopter 摘要准分子激光眼科治疗机可以用来进行近视、远视、散光等屈光不正的矫正手术。
She suffered from ptosis of left eye and received ptosis correction under the impression of senile ptosis in japan 1 year ago 其曾因左上眼睑下垂被误诊为老年性眼睑下垂,于一年前赴日接受矫正手术。
The superior mesenteric artery syndrome is a rare complication that occurs after correction of spinal deformity 摘要针对脊椎变形进行矫正手术,术后并发上肠系膜动脉症候群,回顾相关文献,这是一种罕见的术后并发症。
However , intermittent , voluminous , and bile - stained vomiting , and nausea developed on the 2nd post operative day , despite normal appetite and bowel sounds 于接受了脊椎矫正手术术后第二天发生恶心及间断性含胆汁大量呕吐,然而病患之食欲及肠音仍保持正常。
Because many cases of childhood myasthenia are first seen in the ophthalmic clinic , ophthalmologists should pay special attention when seeing patients with ptosis or ophthalmoplegia 治疗以抗胆硷脂?及免疫抑制剂等内科药物治疗为主,眼睑下垂及斜视的矫正手术仅适用于极少数症状稳定的病人。
Newsphoto an abandoned chinese baby boywith accenter palate may be given a free operation by an americancharityafter his plight was highlighted on the china dailywebsite . he isjust one of scores of youngsters the sanfrancisco - based alliancefor smiles afs hopes to help while it isin china 的故事经报道以来,引起社会各界的广泛关注。 9月21日,美国“微笑联盟”慈善机构表示,愿免费为该男婴提供矫正手术。
He said over 300 children from over 10 cities are in theshenyangchildren hospital in readiness for an operation , althoughtheycannot all be treated because of time limits and theirhealthstatus . such an operation can really help them as it canrepairtheir faces and allow them to live as normal kids , saidwong 最后,经由南非人阿曼达。德朗热的热心联系,美国非营利性慈善组织“微笑联盟”向婴儿伸出了援助之手,并承诺明年将免费为他做矫正手术。
First national bank ' s " plastic surgery loan " can provide between 1 , 000 500 pounds and 5 , 000 to cover " all your plastic surgery operations and orthodontics " , according to the bank ' s web site . " today you can have the life you ' ve always wanted , " it says 黎巴嫩第一国家银行最近在其官方网站上表示,该行推出的这种“整形手术贷款”可以提供1000美元至5000美元不等款项, “有了这笔钱你就可以去做任何类型的整形手术以及畸形牙齿矫正手术了。