- 瞩目 fix one's eyes upon; focus o ...
- 咬 bite; snap at
- 瞩目者之盾 a gazer shield
- 盗尸者之咬 ghoul bite
- 瞩目 [书面语] fix one's eyes upon; focus one's attention upon 举世瞩目 be the focus of world attention
- 编目者 lister
- 盲目者 flying polyp
- 狼之咬 f wolf bite
- 蛇之咬 snake bite
- 排节目者 programmer; prohibiter
- 众所嘱目者 the observed of all observers
- 巨蛇之咬 f giant snake bite
- 老鼠之咬 b rat bite; rat bite
- 魔鬼之咬 demondog bite
- 蜘蛛之咬 f spider bite
- 备受瞩目的 high-profile
- 举世瞩目 attract worldwide attention; be a [become the] focus of world attention; has drawn the attention of the world; strike the attention of the world; world spotlight 举世瞩目的成就 achievements of world interest; 中东是举世瞩目的多事地区。 the trouble-ridden middle east commands the attention of the world
- 令人瞩目 become an attraction
- 世人瞩目 attract worldwide attention; catch people's attention
- 万众瞩目 anticipating
- 引人瞩目的 visible
- 众所瞩目 rampenlisht
- 瞩目 日法合拍 oban star racers
- 医者之 of the physician
- 者之首 unraveller head