- 着火 inflame; kindle; catch fire; ...
- 中心 centre; centrum; centrality; ...
- 点火中心 ignition center
- 发火中心 ignition center
- 着火 inflame; kindle; catch fire; blowing; be on fire 着火啦! fire!; 着火点 fire point; ignition point; inflammation point; burnning point; 着火电压 firing voltage; ignition voltage; 着火时间 ignition time; 着火试验 fire test; 着火温度 ignition; firing temperature (f.t.); kindling temperature; autogenous ignition temperature; ignition point; ignition temperature; 着火延迟 [机械工程] ignition lag
- 火中莲 lily of the valley
- 交火中 takeing fire
- 在火中 into the fire
- 仇火中烧 flames of hatred blazed in one's heart.; one's heart is aflame with hatred
- 点火中断 ignition trouble; spark failure
- 妒火中烧 burn with jealousy [envy]; be consumed with envy; be green with envy; jealousy ran red-hot through sb
- 火中取栗 pull chestnuts out of the fire -- gain profit in risk; be a cat's paw
- 火中遗物 things we lost in the fire
- 进入火中 into the fire
- 军火中间商 arms broker
- 烈火中永生 eternity in flames
- 怒火中烧 burst into anger; be boiling with rage; blazing anger burns in one's heart.; burn with anger [with wrath]; flames of wrath leap in one's breast.; fury burns in one's breast.; one's anger smoulders.; simmer with rage; the anger in one's heart flared up
- 如火中烧 like a fire burning in one's heart; be all burnt up; be very angry
- 消火中队 aone; a-one fireunit
- 欲火中烧 feeling horny
- 不着火 missing of ignition; nonignition
- 点燃,着火 kindle
- 后着火 postignition
- 燃,着火 inflame
- 易着火 fire-hazardous