- ocular cysticercosis ocular hydatidosis
- 眼 eye
- 囊虫 cysticercus
- 症 disease; illness
- 眼囊虫病 ophthalmic cysticercosis
- 脑囊虫症 cerebral cysticerosis
- 眼囊 capsula optica
- 囊虫 cysticercus◇囊虫病 cysticercosis
- 角眼囊 antenno-ocular poaches; antenno-ocular pouches
- 蛔虫症 ascariasis; ascaridosis; ascariosis
- 恐虫症 acarophobia; herpetophobia
- 线虫症 nematodiasis
- 眼囊尾蚴病 cysticercosis of eye; ocular cysticercosis
- 包囊虫 cysticercus
- 肺囊虫 pneumocystis
- 毛囊虫 demodex
- 囊虫病 cysticercosis; pork measles
- 牛囊虫 beef measles
- 巴兰地虫症 balantidiases; balantidiasis
- 胆道蛔虫症 ascariasis of biliary tract; biliary ascariasis
- 肺蠕虫症 lungworm disease
- 肝蛔虫症 hepatic ascariasis
- 毛滴虫症 genital trichomonosis
- 旋毛虫症 trichinosis
- 隐胞子虫症 cryptosporidiosis
- 猪旋毛虫症 pig trichinellosis; pig trichinosis