- 眷属 family dependants
- 妙 fine; wonderful; excellent; ...
- 家属, 眷属 family dependents
- 其眷属 their retinues
- 眷属签证 dependent visa
- 眷属团保 group insurance for spouse and children for managers level
- 受扶养眷属 dependent
- 水天眷属 is placed on his right
- 终成成眷属 all’ well that ends well
- 终成眷属 all's well that ends well; all'swellthat ends well; take my hand
- 有情人终成眷属 the lovers finally got married.; all shall be well, jack shall have jill
- 带眷属的军人或文职顾员 sponsor
- 愿天下有情人终成眷属 wish that all lovers in the world could be united in wedlock; may all lovers unite in marriage
- 虽然有情人终成眷属需要时间和努力 gonna take a while for this egg to hatch
- 眷清 copy fair
- 眷养种类 domestic family
- 眷卿 juan qing
- 眷注 [书面语] (关怀) show loving care for; show solicitude for
- 眷念旧情 remember the old friendship
- 眷弼 kensuke
- 眷念不舍 have an unceasing affection for someone