- 相 looks; appearance
- 走向 run; trend; alignment
- 走向 1.(延伸的方向) run; trend; alignment 海岸线走向 the trend of the coastline; 矿脉的走向 the run of the ore vein2.(向某方向发展) move towards; head for; be on the way to 走向光明 move towards the light; 走向国际市场 take one's place on the international market; 走向胜利 march to victory; 走向世界 go globewide; go to the world arena3.[地] (地质地层走向) strike; bearing 矿层走向 seam strike
- 定线;走向 alignment
- 趋向, 走向 tend towards
- 驶向,走向 head for
- 沿走向 acro pitch; across pitch; downstrike; following the strike; girtwise; on the strike
- 总走向 general trend
- 走近, 走向 walk up to
- 走向, 接近 move towards
- 走向,驶向 make for
- 走向,朝向 make for = head for
- 走向谷 strike valley; strikevalley
- 走向河 longitudinal stream
- 走向脊 strike-ridge
- 走向线 level bearing; line of bearing; line of strike; strike line; strikeline
- 岸线走向 run of the coast
- 表面走向 flacher verlauf flat curve
- 槽线走向 trough line orientation
- 沉积走向 depositional strike
- 垂直走向 capwise
- 磁头走向 head rotation
- 导致…走向极端 lead……to extremes
- 等厚线走向 isopach strike
- 地层方向;走向 direction of strata