- 相符 conform to; tally with; agre ...
- 样品 sample; specimen; prototype; ...
- 与样品相符 as per sample; fair average sample
- 这和样品相符 it comes up to sample
- 相符 conform to; tally with; agree with; correspond to 与描述相符 answer a description; 她的单子与我的不相符。 her list does not tally with mine. 他的生活方式与他的收入是相符的。 his way of life conforms to his income
- 字符样式 character sytle
- 样品 sample; specimen; prototype; exponent 这和样品相符。 it comes up to sample
- 不相符 discrepancy; unconformability; unconformity
- 和…相符 match 2
- 相符,一致 to coincide with
- 相符的 coincidental; conformable; consistent
- 相符合 coincide; correspond (corresponding); correspond to
- 相符性 correlation
- 与相符 i t be in agreement with match or suit
- 不相符的 unconformable
- 单据相符 conformity of documents
- 对,正确,相符 stimmen
- 非相符成本 cost of non conformance
- 跟…相符合 tally with
- 前缀须相符 match prefix
- 失物相符 identity of lost goods
- 相符,相一致 coincide vi
- 相符成本 cost of conformance
- 相符核对 parity check
- 相符合,相一致 correspond vi