Electromagnetic theory does not conform to galilean relativity . 电磁理论不遵守伽利略相对性。
The commoner two opposing character-states is likely to be the more primitive . 共同具有两个相对性态者可能是更原始的。
It seems at first to be irreconcilable with the principle of relativity . 初看起来,这一条好象与相对性原理是不相容的。
The theory of relativity is concerned with two seemingly opposite ideas, relativity and invariance . 相对论涉及两个似乎对立的概念,相对性和不变性。
The laws of mechanics are the same in all inertial frames of reference. this is called galilean relativity . 在所有的惯性参照系中,力学定律都是一样的,这叫做伽利略相对性。
The assertion that the forms of the laws of physics are the same in all inertial systems is known as the principle of relativity . 在一切惯性系中物理定律的形式都一样,这样的结论称为相对性原理。
In fact, every one of the principles of newtonian mechanics survives as a special case of the more general relativistic formulation . 事实上,牛顿力学中的每一原理都可看作是更普遍的相对性公式的特例。
Historicism asserts that the historical relativity of social laws makes most of the methods of physics inapplicable to sociology . 历史决定论断言,由于社会规律具有历史相对性,因而大多数的物理学方法不能应用于社会学。
They teach the relativity of all ethical ideas 他们宣扬一切道德观念的相对性。