攻击 attack; assault; launch an o ...两栖直升机攻击舰 lph amphibious assault helicopter carrier攻击直升机 ahx attack helicopter; attack helicopters; helicopter; assault攻击直升机母舰 assault helicopter aircraft carrier两栖攻击舰直升机 amphibious assault shihelicopter武器的攻击直升机 armed attack helicopter先进攻击直升机 advanced attack helicopter (aah)直升机载步兵攻击 helicopter-borne infantry attack单机攻击 single attack计算机攻击 cyber attack借机攻击 attacks of opportunity投机攻击 opportunist无人机攻击 drone attack战斗机攻击 fighter attack阿帕奇攻击型直升机 apache attack helicopter超级眼镜蛇攻击型直升机 super cobra attack helicopters两栖攻击直升机母舰 amphibious assault helicopter carrier眼镜蛇攻击型直升机 cobra attack helicopter直升机 air horse; alh; chopper; dustoff; egg beater; eggbeater; flying balana; flying fishbowl; heliambulance; helicogyro; helicopter (hel); helicopters; helikopter; heliogyro; heliplane; helo; hover plane; html convertiplane; infuriated palm tree; lifting-screw machine; pinwheel; verti flite; whirling-work horse; windmill被人乘机攻击 be taken at a disadvantage计算机攻击,网络攻击 cyber attack阿帕奇长弓先进攻击型直升机 apache longbow直升机;用直升机载送 helicopter多架截击机攻击 multiple interceptor attack破坏战斗机攻击 discourage a fighter attack
Khartoum ( reuters ) - sudan carried out fresh helicopter attacks in darfur on tuesday and worsened an already desperate humanitarian situation while arab militia targeted refugees trying to escape the conflict , the united nations said 联合国表示,苏丹周二对达佛地区展开一项新的直升机攻击 行动,阿拉伯民兵把矛头指向想要逃离冲突的难民,使原本已经极糟的人道处境更加恶化。