- 临时 at the time when sth. happen ...
- 升降 promotion and demotion
- 处 place
- 直升机临时降落场总管 helispot manager
- 临时升降梯 temporary lifting
- 直升机升降坪 helicopter landing pad; helipad
- 直升飞机临时着陆场 helispot
- 直升机 air horse; alh; chopper; dustoff; egg beater; eggbeater; flying balana; flying fishbowl; heliambulance; helicogyro; helicopter (hel); helicopters; helikopter; heliogyro; heliplane; helo; hover plane; html convertiplane; infuriated palm tree; lifting-screw machine; pinwheel; verti flite; whirling-work horse; windmill
- 直升机;用直升机载送 helicopter
- 时升 tokimasu
- a-b直升机 a b helicopters; a-b helicopters
- (美俚)直升机 chopper
- 矮人直升机 flying machine; gyrocopter
- 贝尔直升机 bell helicopter
- 波音直升机 boeing helicopter
- 补给直升机 supplying helicopter
- 常规直升机 pure helicopter
- 乘直升机 in a helicopter; in ahelicopterr
- 乘座直升机 helicopt
- 出租直升机 helicab; helitaxi
- 纯直升机 helicopter; pure; pure helicopter
- 单人直升机 one-man helicopter
- 单座直升机 single-seat helicopter
- 低速直升机 low-speed helicopter
- 电子直升机 electronic helicopter