- 目击 see with one's own eyes; wit ...
- 目睹 see with one's own eyes; wit ...
- 目睹 see with one's own eyes; witness 耳闻目睹 what one sees and hears; 他亲眼目睹了那场战斗。 he witnessed the battle
- 目击 see with one's own eyes; witness 目击的报告 on-the-scene report; on-the-spot account; 我目击了这次事故。 i saw the accident with my own eyes
- 目睹者 beholder
- 目击记 eye-account
- 目击者 eyewitness; witness 事件的目击者 a witness of an incident
- 目击证人,目击者 eyewitness
- 不忍目睹的 abject
- 耳闻目睹 what one sees and hears; fall under one's observation; what is heard and seen
- 命案目睹记 murder she said
- 目睹葬礼 witness to a funeral
- 亲眼目睹 see... with one's own [very] eyes; have seen... for oneself; (all this happened) in one's sight; see... oneself; these eyes have seen
- 眼见目睹 see with one's own eyes
- 目击证人 目击证人 eyewitness
- 拦截目击者 narrow margin
- 没有目击者 no witness
- 目击的报告 on the spot account
- 目击杀机 eyewitness to murder
- 目击者, 见证人 eyewitness
- 目击证据 testimony of eyewitness
- 目击证人 your witness
- 事故目击者 a witness of an accident; es of the accident
- 战悚目击者 blink
- 证人;目击者 witness n. a person who is present when something happens