- 监狱 prison; jail; slammer
- 不 a block of wood
- 设防 set up defences; fortify; ga ...
- 不设防监狱 open prison
- 不设防 non-fortification
- 不设防城市 open city; undefended city; unfortified city
- 不设防地点 undefended localities
- 今夜不设防 celebrity talk show
- 魔鬼不设防 little bit of soul
- 青春不设防 siberia
- 绅士不设防 personal services
- 天使不设防 michael
- 不设防的城市 undefended city
- 罗马不设防的城市 rome ville ouverte; rome, open city
- 女子十二不设防 calendar girls
- 娇娃不设防三度偷情 san du tou qing
- 我常说他到头来非进监狱不可 i always said he would wind up in jail
- 奥兰德群岛不设防和中立化公约 convention relating to the non-fortification and neutralisation of the aaland islands
- 设防 set up defences; fortify; garrison 层层设防 set up defences in depth; 步步设防 set up defences at each stage of the fighting; 不设防的城市 an open city; an undefended city; 对来自空中的攻击是无法设防的。 there can be no real defence against attacks from the air.; 设防地带 fortified zone
- 监狱 prison; jail; slammer 在监狱 at the prison; 把某人关进监狱 put [throw] sb. into jail; 阴森的监狱 murky prison; 城里有一座大监狱。 there is a large prison in this town. 法官立即把犯人投入监狱。 the judge clapped the criminal into prison.; 监狱看守 guard; 监狱长 warden
- 狱不通风 not even a little wind can come into the gaol for the prisoners
- 设防于 fortify
- 未设防 unfortified
- 不设访城市 open city
- 不设栏栅的 ungated