- 皮质 cortex
- 淋巴 lymph
- 皮质淋巴窦 cortical sinus
- 髓(质淋巴)窦 medullary sinus
- 淋巴结皮质 cortex nodi lymphatici; cortex of lymph node
- 淋巴腺皮质 substantia corticalis lymphoglandulae
- 铁质淋溶土 ferric luvisols
- 皮质 [生理学] cortex 大脑皮质 cerebral cortex
- t 淋巴 t lymphocyte
- 淋巴 [生理学] lymph◇淋巴窦 lymphatic sinusoid; lymph sinus; 淋巴干 lymph trunk; 淋巴浆 lymph-plasma; plasma; 淋巴囊 saccus lymphaticus; 淋巴肉瘤 lymphosarcoma; lymphadenosarcoma; lymphocyticsarcoma; 淋巴索 lymphatic cord; lymphoid cord; 淋巴因子 lymphokine; lymphocyte factor; 淋巴造影 lymphography
- 表皮质 cuticulin; cutin
- 额皮质 frontal cortex
- 古皮质 archicortex; paleocortex; paleopallium
- 骨皮质 cortex of bone; cortical bone; cortical substance of bone; substantia corticalis ossium; the bone cortex
- 后皮质 posterior cortex
- 角皮质 cutin
- 旧皮质 archipallium; paleocortex; paleopallium
- 卵皮质 cortical ooplasm
- 毛皮质 cortex of hair; hair cortex
- 皮层,皮质 cortex
- 皮质;皮层 cortex
- 皮质癌 cortical carcinoma
- 皮质板 corticaplate
- 皮质比 corticomedullary ratio
- 皮质层 cortical layer; lamina corticalis; tela corticalis