- corticonuclear tract
- corticonucleartract
- tractus corticonuclearis
- 皮质 cortex
- 束 bind; tie
- 皮质红核束 corticorubral tract; tractus corticorubralis
- 内囊皮质红核束 corticorubral tract of internal capsule
- 皮质核纤维, 皮质延髓束 fibrae corticonucleares
- 氢核束 h-rays
- 缰核束 habenular tracts
- 氘核束 deuteron beam
- 氚核束 triton beam
- 钙质核 lime nodules
- 灰质核 kankar
- 间质核 interstitial nucleus
- 实质核 compact nucleus
- 双质核 amphinucleus
- 质核比 karyoplasmic ratio; nucleo plasmic relation
- 质核系 nucleo-cytoplasmic system
- 齿状红核束 dentatorubral tract; tractus dentatorubralis
- 皮质 [生理学] cortex 大脑皮质 cerebral cortex
- cajal间质核 interstitial nucleus of cajal
- 沥青质核 asphaltene nucleus
- 染色质核仁 chromatin network; chromatin nucleolus; chromatin positive; chromatin reservoir; chromocenter; chronatin nucleolus; false nucleolus; karyosome; nucleinic nucleolus; nucleolocentorsome; nucleolocentrosome
- 异质核化 heterogeneous nucleation
- 异质核型 heterokaryotype
- 质核比率 cystorrhexis nuclear ratio; cytoplasmic nuclear ratio; cytoplasmic-nuclear ratio; karyoplasmic ration
- 质核关系 nucleo-cytoplasmic relation