- excision of skin for graft
- 皮肤 skin; baragnosis; derma; hid ...
- 切除 excision; resection; absciss ...
- 移植 transplant
- 肌切除术用于移植 excision of muscle for graft
- 股骨切除术用于移植 excision of femur for graft
- 肩胛骨切除术用于移植 excision of scapula for graft
- 筋膜切除术用于移植 excision of fascia for graft; resection of fascia for graft
- 手肌切除术用于移植 excision of muscle of hand for graft; myectomy of hand for graft; resection of muscle of hand for graft
- 手肌腱切除术用于移植 excision of tendon of hand for graft
- 手筋膜切除术用于移植 excision of fascia of hand for graft; fasciectomy of hand for graft; resection of fascia of hand for graft
- 髌骨切除术用于移植 excision of patella for graft
- 腕骨和掌骨切除术用于移植 excision of carpals and metacarpals for graft
- 桡骨和尺骨切除术用于移植 excision of radius and ulna for graft
- 胫骨和腓骨切除术用于移植 excision of tibia and fibula for graft
- 跗骨和跖骨切除术用于移植 excision of tarsals and metatarsals for graft
- 鼻皮肤切除术用于肥大性酒渣鼻 excision of skin of nose for rhinophyma
- 外阴皮肤切除术 skinning vulvectomy
- 肠切除用于插补术 excision of intestine for interposition; resection of intestine for interposition
- 心包切除用于引流 resection of pericardium for drainage
- 免疫抑制疗法用于移植 immunosuppressive therapy for transplant
- 头和颈部皮肤切除术 excision of skin of head and neck
- 大肠切除用于插补术 excision of large intestine for interposition; resection of large intestine for interposition
- 心包部分切除用于引流 partial resection of pericardium for drainage
- 为病人制造可用于移植的替代器官。 produce replacement organs for transplant patients
- 皮肤切开 incision of skin