- 皮毛 pelage; fur; skin and hair; ...
- 见 see; catch sight of
- 皮毛 1.(带毛兽皮) pelage; fur; skin and hair; coat 皮毛兽 fur-bearer2.(表面的知识) smattering; superficial knowledge 略知皮毛 have only a superficial knowledge; 皮毛花纹 coat pattern; (长圆筒形) 皮毛围巾 boa
- 以……之见 in one’s opinion, in the opinion of sb
- 英之见 apple daily
- 表皮毛 epidermal hair
- 皮毛的 superficial
- 皮毛画 fur patchwork; fur picture
- 皮毛商。 pelt monger
- 皮毛兽 superficial knowledge
- 皮毛痿 atrophic debility of the skin and hair; flaccid paralysis characterized by xeroderma; flaccidity-syndrome involving the skin
- 其皮毛 skunk
- 獭皮毛 common otter fur
- 貂皮毛 baum marten
- 不毛之地 (不生长草木五谷的地方) gally; barren land; desert; a desert region; sterile land; waste land [region]; a bare and barren land; meager soil; arid land; land without a blade of grass; land which does not grow anything 我们要把这块不毛之地改成麦田。 we shall turn this piece of wasteland into wheat fields
- 不毛之地的 bare bare; barren
- 不毛之土壤 unproductive soil
- 尘俗之见 a commonplace view 他所说的不过是尘俗之见而已。 what he has said is a mere commonplace view
- 陈腐之见 an outworn opinion
- 独到之见 show unique ingenuity; have an inventive mind; have one's special excellence at; show [display] one's unique ability
- 非视之见 aspectual seeing
- 妇人之见 shortsighted [worthless] views not to be taken seriously
- 管蠡之见 the view through a tube and the measure with a calabash -- limited outlook
- 井蛙之见 tunnel vision
- 门户之见 parochial prejudice; sectarian views; sectarian bias; sectarianism; factional views; the views that arisefrom the dogmas of different schools