

音标:[ báimá ]   发音:
  • common poacynum leaf
  • dogbane hemp



  • 例句与用法
  • It took p . hendersonii seed 3 days to approach to over 30 % germination percentage under the treatment of nacl solution and 1 day to do that under soil - salt solution
  • Poacynum bender sonii ( hook , f . ) woodson is one of the builders of saline meadow distributed widely in desert zone of asia , halocnemum strobilaceum ( pall . )
  • Salt solution promoted seed germination of p . hendersonii as nacl concentration was less than 0 . 6 g / 100ml and soil - salt concentration was less than 1 . 0 g / 100ml , the alternate temperature at 25 - 35 was optimum for germination of p . hendersonii , light had no distinct difference to it
    结果表明,浓度低于0 . 6g / 100mlnacl和1 . 0g / 100ml土盐能促进大叶白麻的萌发, 25 ? 35是萌发的适宜温度,光条件对萌发的影响不明显。
  • As concentration of salt solution increased , the vigor index , germination index and the length of shoot and radical gradually decreased . the radicle was sensitive to salt stress and had low tolerance . it can be concluded that p . hendersonii has high salt tolerance , h . strobilaceum has low salt tolerance
  • Is an important kind of edificato of desert vegetation . the test way that seed was cultured in laboratory was adopted in this paper . the character of seed germination under the effect of the ecological factors of salt solution , temperature , light was discussed
    本文采用实验室种子培养试验法,针对盐胁迫、温度、光照与持续黑暗这3个生态因子,探讨大叶白麻( poacynumhendersonii ( hook . f . ) woodson )和盐节木( halocnemumstrobilaceum ( pall . ) bieb . )种子在上述生态因子影响下的萌发特性。
  • 百科解释
  • 其他语种释义
  • 白麻的法语:abutilon avicennae abutilon theophrasti
  • 白麻的韩语:[명사] (1)〈식물〉 백마. 어저귀. 경마(苘麻). =[苘qǐng麻] (2)【문어】 조서(詔書).
  • 白麻的俄语:pinyin:báimá 1) бот. канатник Авиценны (Abutilon avicennae Gaertn.) 2) стар. белая бумага из конопли (для указов)
  • 白麻什么意思:  1.  植物名。    ▶ 五代 齐己 《赠曹松先辈》诗: “闲游向诸寺, 却看白麻衣。”    ▶ 宋 谢翱 《和靖墓》诗: “山中处士白麻履, 死后无书献天子。”    2.  见“ 白麻纸 ”。
  • 白麻とは意味:white drill
  • 推荐英语阅读
白麻的英文翻译,白麻英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译白麻,白麻的英文意思,白麻的英文白麻 meaning in English白麻的英文白麻怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
