The test mice lived in individual experimental enclosures that i designed to measure these activities . 试验的白足鼠生活在我设计来测量这些活动的单独的试验围场中。
A factor helping the spread of lyme disease in the eastern united states , for instance , was the absence of former predators like wolves or wild cats that once kept down numbers of white - footed mice - a reservoir of the infection 这些食肉动物的存在曾经很好地抑制了白足鼠的数量,而白足鼠则是莱姆病病原菌的携带者。而在美国其他一些地区,莱姆病其实算不上什么大问题。
白足鼠的法语:peromyscus leucopus souris à pattes blanches