白浪滔滔 the tide is high; whitecaps surging keeping up a constant flow of words
白浪滔天 white-crested waves surging and swelling sky-high; milky waves roar to heaven.; the white waves rise as high as heaven.; the wind raises the waves high toward heaven.; white breakers leaping skywards; white breakers leap to the sky.; (white) waves heave to the skies
白浪淘沙 the billows washing up the sand shimmered as though made of silver
Sometimes they could see the white lip of a wave as it spun up the beach . 有时候他们还看得见波涛涌上海滩时的一线白浪。
They were in full rapids now, the water solid white and tearing them toward the falls . 这时他们已经到了激流中心,滚滚白浪把他们朝着瀑布推去。
Amidst the foam and turmoil i saw the black thing on the wave hurrying right at me . 在滔滔的白浪和震耳的喧嚣声中,我看见波浪中那个黑色的东西正径直朝我飘来。
A running fight ensued in a heavy sea until the cruisers hipper appeared on the scene . 在白浪滔天的大海中,双方进行了一场追逐战,直到巡洋舰“希佩尔”号突然来到了现场。
I saw him grip the tiller, bend his heavy frame forward, and stare at the foaming terror with his big round eyes . 我看见他弯下他那壮实的身躯,紧握舵柄,那双又圆又大的眼睛紧盯着那白浪翻滚的激流。
The wind screamed over the gulf and turned the water white, and the mangroves plunged like frightened cattle . 大风在海湾上空呼啸而过,把海水吹得白浪翻滚,红树丛猛烈地前后狂舞,就象一群受惊的牛羊。
She said , " daddy , when you comin back to hit this ? 像横越大海的白浪似坠鸭背水点
A wave with a crest of foam 白浪带有泡沫波峰的浪
As the sun sank in the late afternoon , a brisk wind from the ocean whipped up whitecaps 夕阳西下,一股凉爽的风从海上吹起白浪。
The united kingdom is known for having many good whitewater spots , as are the alps 与阿尔卑斯山地区一样,英国以拥有众多优良的白浪场所而闻名。