Be sure to take the roads connecting chumen with yufeng , and sheng - an with chumen , where overhanging mango trees form green " tunnels . 此外白河镇竹门到玉丰以及升安到竹门的竹门绿色隧道,也值得一游。
With more than 300 hectares of lotus fields , paiho , nicknamed " lotus country , " is overwhelming in its beauty . the lotus seed harvest lasts from june to september , reaching its peak in july and august 辽阔的莲田景致,美不胜收,而莲子与莲藕皆具有产业上的价值,白河镇莲花的种植面积约三百多公顷,产量排名全省第一。
Make the most of your visit to paiho by making the lotus industrial and cultural information hall your first stop . it is a wonderful place to learn about the lotus , with all types of lotus - oriented exhibits covering the culture , industry , and ecology of lotus country 来到白河镇,赏莲的第一站不妨先到莲花产业文化资讯馆,藉由资讯馆中的展示,让游客们能先对莲乡白河镇,以及莲花生态有进一步的认识,更能玩的尽兴。
We recommend that visitors to paiho plan to stay overnight , so that they can watch the lotus blossoms unfold between 5 : 30 and 8 : 30 in the morning . the best flower - packed scenery in paiho can be found in yufeng , lientan , and kuang - an . pink , bright red , yellow , and white lotuses can be enjoyed all year round in the " fragrant lotus " area of chumen neighborhood 在白河莲乡常见莲花的种类有大憨莲见莲石莲等,赏莲的最佳时刻为清晨五点半到八点半,建议前来赏莲的游客于白河镇留宿一晚,方可欣赏莲花由闭合至绽放的风光,而赏莲的最佳地点有白河镇的玉丰莲潭广安数里,数量最丰最密集。
Since the launching of the lotus carnival , paiho township has been developing visitor accommodations in hopes of providing travelers the opportunity to learn more about the local lotus industry . ama s scenic guesthouse , located in lientan borough , was one of the first guesthouses in paiho 白河镇自推展莲花节后,即陆陆续续开始发展民宿,希望游客藉由留宿民宿的机会,可以对白河镇的莲花产业有著更深入的了解,其中位于莲潭社区的阿妈即是白河镇第一家结合导览与景观的民宿。
Available june through august . the paiho lotus festival , held eight times since its inception in 1995 , has put paiho on the map . more than two months of activities , including bicycle tours , the lotus country farming village experience , lotus seed shucking competitions , lotus flower sketching , photography competitions , and evening get - togethers , are held from the end of june to the end of august 自八十四年举办的白河镇莲花节,一连举办了八年,已经为白河镇创造了高知名度,于每年六月下旬到八月止,以近两个多月的时间,举办包括单骑游莲乡莲乡农村生活体验营剥莲子比赛莲花写生摄影比赛,民宿之夜等活动。