- 白头 hoary head; old age
- 病 illness; sickness; disease; ...
- 头病 cephalopathy
- 白头 hoary head; old age (指年老)
- 垂头病 kubisagari; kubisgari
- 大头病 big head in sheep
- 黑头病 black head disease; blackhead disease
- 空头病 transparent head disease
- 亮头病 clear head; gattine
- 大骨头病 big head
- 绵羊大头病 big head disease of sheep
- 水貂肿头病 big head of mink
- 源头病人 index patient; indexpatient; industrial face mask
- 白头雕 bald eagle
- 白头发 grey hair; white hair
- 白头鸽 white-headed pigeon
- 白头鹤 grus monacha; hooded crane
- 白头鸟 whitehead
- 白头山 baekdu mountain; mount paektu; paekdu-san
- 白头树 garuga forrestii
- 白头翁 1.[中药] the root of chinese pulsatilla2.[动物学] chinese bulbul; grey starling
- 白头鸭 anseralbibrons
- 白头岩 baectuite; hakutoite
- 白头鹰 bald eagle; gray's goshawk
- 白头鹎 chiacse bulbul; chinese bulbul