Are you in radio contact with the climbers 你与登山客有用无线电接触吗。
1 the mountaineers made their way to the peak in the middle of rain storm 这些登山客在暴雨中到达了山顶。
Tsheri is the youngest person to reach the top of the world ' s highest mountain 伽利是登上世界最高峰年纪最小的登山客。
That climber had plunged to his death right before he reached the peak of that mountain 就在他要到达那座山的山顶前,那个登山客就摔死了。
Experienced climbers like to climb dangerous ravines because they enjoy challenging themselves 老练的登山客喜欢爬危险的深谷,因为他们喜欢挑战自己。
The 40 - minute concert , in front of about 100 mountaineers , was to raise money for children victimized by armed conflict in nepal 这场在约100位登山客前演出的40分钟音乐会,目的是为在尼泊尔武装冲突中受害的孩童募款。
A sudden downpour this afternoon caused seven airport closures and flooding all over daiwan , and lightning struck and killed three mountain climbers 台员今阿日下晡突然落大雨兼掸雷公?雨大到害七耶机场拢艾关起来?四界淹水?雷公搁?死三耶登山客。
One morning two italian mountain climbers swung on ropes at the top of the niche that held the eastern buddha , which , at 125 feet tall , was the smaller of the two 有一天早上,两位义大利登山客对准佛龛顶抛掷绳索以固定东大佛,这尊佛像高125 ? ,是两尊巨佛中较小者。