- 瘴气 miasm; miasma; malaria; meph ...
- 地 the earth
- 瘴气 miasm; miasma; malaria; mephitis
- 毒气,瘴气 miasma
- 瘴气的 malarial; miasmatic
- 山岗瘴气 mountain plague; mountainous evil air
- 山岚瘴气 mountainous evil air
- 山岚瘴气,瘴毒 mountainous pathogenic air
- 乌烟瘴气 the atmosphere was foul.; a pestilential atmosphere; foul atmosphere; a turgid atmosphere of ignorance and confusion; befoul the atmosphere; black smoke and pestilential vapours; pandemonium 他们里应外合, 把时局搞得乌烟瘴气。 working in collusion, one from within and the other from without, they created pandemonium
- 瘴气理论 miasma theory
- 产气地 aerogenically
- 充气地 pneumatically
- 喘气地 gaspingly
- 和气地 compatibly; good-humouredly
- 客气地 diffidently/reservedly; reservedly
- 丧气地 despondently
- 生气地 with anger
- 帅气地 handsomely
- 喜气地 beamingly
- 小气地 begrudginglyilliberallypettilyskimpingly; skimpingly
- 不景气地区 depressed area
- 不客气地 freely; immodestly; unreservedly; unscrupulously
- 不通气地 stuffily
- 垂头丧气地 mopishly
- 低声下气地 humbly