- 病原体 causative agent; pathogene; ...
- 繁殖 grow and multiply; propagate
- 个体繁殖 individual reproduction
- 集体繁殖 colonial breeding
- 自体繁殖 autoreproduction; reproduce itself; self propagation; self reproduction
- 病原体 agent of disease; causal agents; causalagents; causative agents; etiologic agent; etiological agent; infect agent; pathogen agent; pathogenic agent; pathogenic organism; pathogens
- 病原,病原体,致病菌 pathogen
- 细菌群体繁殖密度 bacterial population density
- 【医学】病原体。 causative agent
- 病菌,病原体 pathogen
- 病原体;致病菌 pathogen
- 病原体变异 modification of agent
- 病原体成分 agent components
- 病原体定型 typing of agent
- 病原体复制 propagation of agent; replication of agent
- 病原体聚集 deposition of agent
- 病原体菌 etiologic agent
- 病原体抗体 elisa
- 病原体特征 characterization of agent
- 病原体物 pathogens
- 病原体学者 virologist
- 病原体增殖 agent growth
- 肠道病原体 enteropathogen
- 共存病原体 coexistence of disease agents
- 鉴别病原体 identify the pathogen