

  • fatigue mechanism
  • mechanism of fatigue



  • 例句与用法
  • Fatigue mechanism of girder of bridge crane
  • A software system for acquisition , recognition and evaluation of the driver ' s face image is developed to realize the perclos - based recognition algorithms of motor driver fatigue mentioned above
  • It is , therefore , of academical and practical importance to investigate and to clarify the electrical fatigue mechanism of ferroelectrics by using on - line or in - situ technologies
  • 4 , the flexural fatigue behavior of concrete is improved effectively though mixed steel fibers and polypropylene fibers . 5 , flexural fatigue mechanism was analyzed . the improving and damaging mechanism were studied
    5 、对层布式混杂纤维混凝土的抗折疲劳机理进行了分析,初步探讨了混杂纤维混凝土的纤维增强机理及破坏机理。
  • Sio _ 2 nano particle has anti - rubs function is because sio _ 2 nano particle is very small and has the massive hydroxy , can forms the adsorption thin film within rub surface . so protected the solid surface improve the grease resistance to wear
    纳米sio _ 2的抗疲劳机理是粒子很小且具有大量的羟基,可以在摩擦副间形成吸附薄膜,因而保护了固体表面,提高了润滑脂的耐磨性。
  • At present , the recovery has been paid more attention to after the high intensity , high - burdened training during the sports competition , so how to probe into the mechanism of exercise fatigue and take the measures has been a heated focus
  • The research of high performance pavement concrete ( hppc ) is done in two sides . one is mixture design , the other is pavement performance . the mixture design and design flowchart of hppc is given on the base of nc with the consideration of characteristic of both hppc and nc . the grow law , influencing factor and formation mechanism of hppc strength is analisised by perpendicular experiment . in the same , the fatigue equations are set up for hppc and hppc i on the base of fatigue experiment . the fatigue mechanism of hppc is analysised by damage mechanics and fracture mechanics . brittleness , frost resistance and abrasion resistance of hppc is researched with the camparition to nc i . at last , the economic analysis of hppc is done by two kinds of way
    结合高性能混凝土与普通路面混凝土的特点,提出了建立在普通路面混凝土基础上的高性能路面混凝土配合比设计方法,给出了设计流程;通过正交试验(强度试验) ,分析了高性能路面混凝土的强度发展规律、影响因素与形成机理;同时,根据疲劳试验结果采用双参数weibull分布模型分别建立了高性能路面混凝土和高性能路面混凝土(没有掺加硅粉)疲劳方程,应用损伤力学和断裂力学,分析了高性能路面混凝土的疲劳机理;并采用了对比分析方法,研究了高性能路面混凝土的脆性、抗冻性和耐磨性等。
  • According to this the fatigue is separated into five parts : muscle , sensation , information , thinking and creation fatigue . driving fatigue is mainly composed of the sensation fatigue and the operation fatigue . it is actually at first to get ideas about the driving fatigue equilibrium mechanism , the driving fatigue information operation mechanism , the matching mechanism for the driving fatigue and driving operation
  • Perclos is the percentage of eyelid closure over the pupil over time and reflects slow eyelid closures ( " droops " ) rather than blinks . fwha and nhtsa consider perclos to be among the most promising known real - time measures of alertness for in - vehicle drowsiness - detection systems . . in order to detecting and evaluating driver fatigue , the definition of motor driver fatigue must be given
    重点研究了眼睛及其疲劳机理,借鉴美国联邦公路管理局fhwa ( federalhighwayadministration )有关研究驾驶疲劳方面的研究文献,讨论了perclos和其他眼睛活动测量方法的有效性,确认测量机动车驾驶疲劳最好的方法是perclos (单位时间内眼睛闭合时间所占的百分率) 。
  • 推荐英语阅读
疲劳机理的英文翻译,疲劳机理英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译疲劳机理,疲劳机理的英文意思,疲勞機理的英文疲劳机理 meaning in English疲勞機理的英文疲劳机理怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
