For lesion at the distal region , this flap may be modified as a distal - based flap based on reverse flow 其适应症为近位或中位指节部位之疤痕挛缩,较远位者则可改采逆流之远位皮瓣重建。
The relatively short neck , scar contracture , and inactive movement of the involved side of the neck resulted in tracheal deviation , an unusual complication not appearing in previous reports 由于患者颈部较短,疤痕挛缩,同时缺少颈部之主动运动,因而导致少见的气管偏位,一项文献上未曾描述之并发症。
疤痕挛缩的法语:contraction de la cicatrice rétraction cicatricielle