Research advance on biological control of solanacae crops bacterial wilt 防治番茄青枯病内生细菌的分离与筛选
The test of paenibacillus 183 ; polymyza for controlling tomato bacterial wilt 康地蕾得细粒剂防治番茄青枯病试验
Control of tomato bacterial wilt by injection of mixture of fungicidal and plant gene activator 奇茵植物基因活化剂混合液注射防治番茄青枯病初报
Preliminary exploration of bacteria that produce 2 , 4 - dapg colonize the rhizoplance and controll the tomato southern bacterial wilt 二乙酰基藤黄酚产生菌在番茄根部的定殖及对番茄青枯病的防治