- resistance substitution method
- 电阻 resistance; electric resista ...
- 置换 displace; substitute; supers ...
- 法 law
- 置换法 displacement method; method of substitution; su titution method; substitution method; substitutionmethod
- 爆破置换法 blasting replacement method
- 催化置换法 catalytic exchange method
- 等量置换法 equivalent replacement method
- 分子置换法 molecular replacement method; molecular replacement technique
- 汞置换法 method of replacing mercury
- 活塞置换法 piston displacement method
- 强夯置换法 dynamic compaction replacement
- 树液置换法 sap displacement process
- 水置换法 water displacement method
- 同晶置换法 isomorphous replacement method
- 同时置换法 method of simultaneous displacements
- 液体置换法 liquid displacement displacement technique; liquid displacement method
- 原子置换法 replaceable-atom method
- 载体置换法 carrier displacement
- 振捣置换法 vibro-replacement
- 蒸汽置换法 vapor displacement method
- 置换法镀层 replacement coating
- 逐次置换法 method of successive displacement
- 蛋白质置换法 protein displacement process
- 酶放射置换法 enzymatic radioisotopic displacement
- 普勒茨置换法 proetz displacement method