- 电话 telephone; phone; telephone ...
- 预处理 pretreatment; anticipation; ...
- 处 place
- 电话预订 make a telephone reservation
- 电话预约 making telephone appointments
- 预处理 pretreatment; anticipation; beneficiate; preconditioning; anticipation; history; [计算机] preprocessing
- 电话预约会面 br / making appointment by phone; makingappointmentbyphone
- 秘书电话预约 making appointment through secretary by phone; makingappointmentthroughsecretarybyphone
- 免费电话预订 toll free phone reservation
- 前处理,预处理 pretreatment
- 处理处理器 a pentium iii processor
- 现在打电话预定 call … to book
- 表面预处理 surface preparation
- 表预处理 table preprocessing
- 材料预处理 material preparation
- 点预处理 point-precondition
- 粉末预处理 powder pretreatment
- 甘蔗预处理 preparation of cane
- 钢板预处理 steel plate pretreatment
- 钢材预处理 shot blasting and shoprimer; steel pretreatment
- 给水预处理 feed water conditioning; feedwater conditioning
- 供者预处理 donor pretreatment
- 宏预处理机 macro preprocessor
- 化学预处理 chemical priming
- 加氢预处理 hydropretreating