The paper analyzes the wave figures before installing device and after it 分析装置安装前后的电压电流波形图、谐波含量及瞬流情况。
At the same time svm arithmetic is studied and the distortion of current wave form in voltage type pwm system analysed 对svm算法进行了研究,并对电压型pwm电流波形失真的问题作了分析。
For the current source supply , the current waveforms are much easy to control though it has more complicated main circuit and more voltage harmonics 电流源方式主回路比较复杂(需要将电压源转换为电流源) ,但电机电流波形容易控制, emi问题容易解决。
The device has considered its practical functions , which include chinese character parameter , waveform display for three - phase current , fixed value and retain of failure information 装置考虑了实用功能设计。具有汉字参数、三相电流波形显示,整定值、故障信息的保留等功能。
However , the waveforms of motor currents are difficult to control . the harmonic components of the current will produce torque pulsation , additional losses and some emi problems 电压源方式主回路比较简单,但电流波形难以控制,且谐波所带来的转矩脉动和损耗比较大, emi问题难以解决。
This device can not only on - line monitor all kinds of parameters of moa in serve , but also display resistive current waveform , lisaru curves , and ac volt - ampere characteristic curves 该装置能够完成对moa各项参数的在线监测,而且还能显示阻性电流波形、李萨如曲线、交流伏安特性曲线。
The input of traditional ac - dc converter is diode - capacitance combined circuit . it ? input current wave presents pulse shape , and the power factor ( pf ) on ac line side is low 传统的ac ? dc开关变换器输入端是二极管整流-滤波电容组合电路,其输入电流波形呈脉冲状,交流网侧功率因数很低。
An output filter between the output end of inverter and the power network is added to improve the quality of output current . the design of the filter is discussed in detail 提出了在逆变器输出端和电网间加输出滤波器的技术措施,并详细讨论了滤波器的设计,从而改善了输出电流波形的质量。
The mc controlled by this strategy not only achieves the dtc of asynchronous machine with excellent dynamic performance but also acquires good input currents and an adjustable power factor 按这种策略进行控制的矩阵式变换器,既可实现对异步电机进行动态性能优良的直接转矩控制,又可获得良好的输入电流波形以及可调的功率因数。
But because ct at the time of the saturations have the complicated in wave form electric current , how correct to judge the saturations constantly , determine ct their the linear to spread becoming area protection of difficult point it be 但是由于ct饱和时电流波形复杂,如何正确判断ct饱和时刻、测定其线性传变区一直是此类保护的难点所在。