

  • electron donof-acceptor complex edacomplex



  • 例句与用法
  • The results of experiments show that the most efficient tpa materials seem to be the ones with various electron - donor ( d ) and electron - acceptor ( a ) moieties attached symmetrically or asymmetrically to a center
  • The fluorescence of copolymer ( dmbn - vcz ) can be quenched by both electron donor ( n , n - dimethylaniline ( dma ) ) . electron acceptor ( 1 , 4 - dicyanobenzene ( 1 , 4 - dcb ) ) and c60 . the dimolecular exciplexes between copolymer ( dmbn - vcz ) and stronger electron donor or electron acceptor are formed , respectively
    它能与电子给体n , n -二甲基苯胺( dma )和电子受体1 , 4 -二氰基苯( dcb )相互作用生成激基复合物,并能与dma形成三元激基复合物。
  • The color of devices is disturbed badly and the luminescent efficiency of devices is degradated because of exciplex ' s emission . the mechanism is investigated in this paper on the formation of exciplex and on the mixing - layer device structure eliminating the exciplex based on rare - earth complex , specially on eu ( dbm ) 3bath and gd ( dbm ) 3bath . it is thought that the exciplex results from the interaction between the singlet excited state of the ligand of electron acceptor material and the ground state of electron donor material
    本论文以稀土配合物oel为重点和基础,以eu ( dbm ) _ 3bath和gd ( dbm ) _ 3bath为典型材料,研究了激基复合物的形成和稀土配合物器件中混合层能够消除激基复合物,认为激基复合物是电子受体材料配体能级的单重态与电子给体材料的基态相互作用而产生的。
  • We have calculated one - and two - photon absorption cross sections of the lowest excited states of a series of molecules combined with benzene , stilben , thiophene as center attached with amine , diphenylamine , diethylamine as electron - donor and nitryl as electron - acceptor ; the effects of molecular length , n center and electron - donor on two - photon absorption cross sections have been studied and all calculations have been carried out using the density functional theory at an ab initio level . it is found that the molecular length and the one - photon absorption intensity are quite strongly c orrelated factors , and that a corresponding correlation for the two - photon absorption is decreasing . it is also found that a most crucial role for the two - photon absorption is played by the n center
  • The fluorescence spectra of the conjugationed polymer containing of n - ( a - naphthyl ) carbazole show that the emission sprctra in aromatic solvents are more red - shifted than that in aliphatic solvents although these solvents have the same polarity . the fluorescence chatacteristics were different from th e n - ( a - naphthyl ) carbazole ' s . the fluorescence of the conjugationed polymer can be quenched by electron donors and cm and cannot be quenched by electron acceptors
    对含有n - ( -荼基)咔唑基团的共轭高聚物,它在芳香族溶剂中的荧光发射比非芳香族溶剂中明显红移,也不具有n - ( -萘基)咔唑单元所具有的分子内电荷转移特性,它的荧光只能被电子给体和c _ ( 60 )猝灭而不能被一般的电子受体猝灭。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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