- 电台 transmitter-receiver; transc ...
- 鉴定 appraisal
- 后台鉴定进程 background authentication processes
- 某先生台鉴 may i draw your attention to the following
- 鉴定 1.(评语) appraisal (of a person's strong and weak points) 毕业鉴定 graduation appraisal2.(评定) appraise; identify; authenticate; test; determine; evaluation; verification; arbitration; assay; probation 工作鉴定 job evaluation; 鉴定产品质量 appraise the quality of a product; 鉴定文物年代 determine the date of a cultural relic; 指纹鉴定 fingerpoint identification; 作物鉴定 crop survey; 优质矿泉水已通过国家级鉴定。 the high quality mineral water has passed the state-level test.; 鉴定结论 expert conclusion; 鉴定器 assessor; 鉴定钱币 shroff; 鉴定人 identifier; surveyor; appraiser; 鉴定书 expertise report; testimonial; 鉴定资料 materials of identification
- 电台 1.(无线电台) transmitter-receiver; transceiver2.(广播电台) broadcasting station; radio station; radio set◇电台方位 bearing of station; 电台呼号 radio station call sign; 电台呼叫 calling-up; 电台鉴定 [讯] station authentication; 电台教唱歌曲 educational radio song
- 鉴定(鉴别)鉴定 identification
- 鉴定器,鉴定管 assessor
- 鉴定人鉴定 expert evidence
- 簿鉴定 identification of virus; virus characterization
- 峰鉴定 peak identification
- 构成;鉴定 formation
- 估价,鉴定 appraisal
- 和鉴定 connoisseurship
- 检验;鉴定 examination
- 鉴别;鉴定 identify
- 鉴定,认证 authenticate
- 鉴定,检查 survey
- 鉴定,鉴别 identification
- 鉴定;证认 identification
- 鉴定棒 assay bar
- 鉴定表 determinative table; score card
- 鉴定出 show the identity of tell who or what a person or thing is
- 鉴定的 appraised; rated
- 鉴定法 criticism; identification method; judging method