Taxodioxylon cunninghamioides watari : growth rings distinct , transition from early wood to late wood more or less abrupt 杉木型木( taxodioxyloncunninghamioideswatari ) :生长轮明显,早材至晚材渐变。
Tsuga dumosa richer : the regular presence of ray tracheids . axial parenchyma cells rare and distribute in the boundaries of growth rings 云南铁杉( tsugadumosaeicher ) :生长轮明显,早材至晚材略急变至渐变。
Tori extensions present on pit membrane . taxodioxylon cryptomeripsoides schonfeld : growth rings distinct , transition from early wood to late wood more or less abrupt 柳杉型木( taxodioxyloncryptomeripsoidesschonfeld ) :生长轮明显,早材至晚材略急变。
Identified taxa and their characters as follows : pinus armandii franchet : normal vertical and horizontal resin canals with thin - walled epithelial cells present . cross - fields pitting window - like 木材种类的特征如下:华山松( pinusarmandiifranchet ) :生长轮明显,早材至晚材渐变。