能力 ability; capacity; capability 极有能力的人 a man of great abilities; 能力所及 reach within one's capacity; 生产能力 production capacity; 阅读能力 reading ability; 他的理解能力极强。 he has a mind of great capacity. 我们应该培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。 we should develop the students' ability to analyse and solve problems.; 能力测验 ability test; 能力倾向 aptitude; 能力水平 ability level
Though memory density is gradually improving , the producing ability of new data is increasing more rapidly 而且,尽管随着科技的发展媒体的存储密度正在逐步提高,但是新数据的生成能力增加更强。
The client application takes advantage of this dynamic stub generation capability ; the stub is generated when the orb requests it for them 客户机应用程序会利用这种动态存根生成能力;存根是在请求orb时生成的。
A minimal device with the ability to generate a text string can theoretically participate in a jxta network though not necessarily in every p2p application 从理论上说,有文本字符串生成能力的最简设备都可以加入(虽然并不是在每个p2p应用中都有必要)到jxta网络中。
Macro of c . textual macro expansion , while not ideal , is an easy way to do basic metaprogramming in many languages that don t have better code - generation capabilities 宏。文本宏的扩展虽然不甚理想,但在很多没有更好的代码生成能力的语言中,这是用来进行基本元编程的一种简单方法。
Transmission capability of a network isn t equal to service generating capability of a network , therefore , the capability of flexibly defining and deploying services is needed besides the network platform 网络的传送能力不等于业务生成能力。在网络平台的基础之上,需要具有灵活定义业务、部署业务的能力。
Angiogenin belongs to a protein superfamily of rnase . it is the only member being able to stimulate angiogenesis . on the other hand , angiogenin is also the only angiogenic factor known to exhibit ribonucleolytic activity 血管生成素是核糖核酸酶超家族中唯一一个具有促血管生成能力的成员,也是目前已知的所有血管生成因子中独具核糖核酸酶活性的因子。
Following , using the linear programming creates the optimum mode of the cost chain and a case was solved , consider the cost of manufacture and the ability of the factory , also the manufacture time 在此基础上,运用线性规划的方法,综合考虑虚拟企业产品的生产成本、生产单位的生成能力和交货时间,对虚拟企业产品成本链进行了优化,建立了优化的数学模型,并解答了实例。
Analogy generation is an extended form of analogy reasoning in designing fields , and it is a generation - oriented analogy reasoning . it unbinds the analogy from its early learning and simulating capability , and gives the analogy the generation ability in designing fields 类比生成是类比推理在设计领域的扩展,它是一种面向生成的类比推理,它的提出将类比从学习模仿的能力限制中解放出来,创造性地赋予其生成能力,用于设计性领域。
Abstract : the paper proposes the notion of the complete configuration of unidirectional actuator system to evaluate the control capability of the actuator system and ascribe it to the existence of positive solutions of linear equations . several characteristics and the schemes to determine the completeness are also provided 文摘:提出了配置完整性的概念,用来表征单向执行器系统控制作用的生成能力.并且将配置完整性归结为线性方程组正解的存在性问题,给出了配置矩阵完整性的若干性质和判别条件及其相应的判别步骤
Success d eveloped f or t he security s ystem , a11 he sa me t ime t he se curity s ystem h as g ood popularization prospects , ones that adopt rational company rose microsoft company visio and ca company erwin , the modeling software goes on the demand to analyze , business modeling , system modeling , designer modeling , demand and analyze software must have good figure ability , offer many kinds of language formulation ability of codes at the same time 由于系统设计技术较多,开发过程复杂,涉及到软件系统间的兼容问题、数据库安全问题等诸多问题,为保证系统开发的成功,同时保证系统具有良好的推广前景,采用rational公司的rose , microsoft的visio 、 ca的erwin等建模软件进行需求分析、业务建模、系统建模、设计建模,要求分析软件必须具有良好的图形功能,同时提供多种语言代码的生成能力。