

  • 8.life is very dear



  • 例句与用法
  • We ' ve all learned that in biology class
  • He told me that life was precious and that if we were not careful , it could all slip away
  • At present , the study of the fire safety evacuation in the world mainly focus on : ( 1 ) the importance of the model of egress and the ability of modeling predict a obvious tendency of the study is that there will be more behavior details included in the model in the future ; ( 2 ) the influence of the smoke and its toxicity to people which focus on the study of the influence of toxic gases such as carbon monoxide to people who exposed in fire , the test of the visibility of directional and exit signs , the behavior of the occupants in fire and the time they response to the fire ; ( 3 ) the application of the evacuation model in fire safety design , the constitute of performance - based code and building evaluating the purpose of the study of people ' s evacuation is to improve the fire safety design and cut down the number of casualties
    人的生命是宝贵的,因此,世界各国的消防科研主要以生命安全为主,重点研究火灾中人员的安全疏散,并提出新的性能化防火设计和性能化防火设计规范,从建筑设计入手而保证建筑防火设计的可靠性和建筑物的火灾安全性。目前,国际上对火灾安全疏散的研究主要集中在以下方面: ( 1 )疏散模型的开发和模型预测能力的改进疏散模型方面的研究一个明显的趋势就是未来的模型将包含更多的行为细节,注重人的行为的因素。 ( 2 )火灾中人员反应及毒性和烟的影响这一研究主要集中在一氧化碳等有毒气体对暴露在火场中人员的影响,疏散指示标志的可见度测试,以及火灾中人员的行为和对火灾的反应等方面的研究。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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