Don t buy from shops that hang the meat outside . don t buy food from unlicensed cooked food stalls or unlicensed hawkers 不要光顾无牌食物档和熟食小贩或从他们那里购买熟食或生冷食物。
You have been imparted the following experiences when you have your first period - - - don ' t eat raw and cold food ; don ' t do severe activities 第一次来月经时,你就被传授了以下经验? ?不能吃生冷食物、不能剧烈运动。
For example : people with cold constitution may have aversion to cold , loose stool and pale complexion . they may feel sick after eating cold and raw food . in such case , chinese medicines of cold nature , e . g 例如属于寒性体质的人平常大都怕冷大便稀软面色苍白吃生冷食物后感到不适那么寒凉性质的中药如黄连板蓝根之类应当慎用。
They may feel sick after eating cold and raw food . in such case , chinese medicines of cold nature , e . g . rhizoma coptidis , radix isatidis , etc . should be used cautiously . likewise , different causes and courses of diseases should be treated with different chinese medicines 例如,属于寒性体质的人,平常大都怕冷,大便稀软,面色苍白,吃生冷食物后感到不适,那么,寒凉性质的中药(如,黄连、板蓝根之类)应当慎用。