- 粉尘 stive; dust
- 爆炸性粉尘 explosive dust
- 动物性粉尘 animal dust
- 惰性粉尘 inert dust
- 混合性粉尘 mixed dust
- 活性粉尘 active dust
- 亲水性粉尘 hydrophilic dust; lyophilic dust
- 疏水性粉尘 hydrophobic dust; lyophobic dust
- 无机性粉尘 inorganic dust
- 纤维性粉尘 fiber dust; fibrous dust
- 粘性粉尘 sticky dust
- 植物性粉尘 vegetable dust
- 生产性 productbility; productivity; yielding ability
- 爆炸性粉尘气氛 explosive dust atmosphere
- 混合性粉尘尘肺 mixed dust pneumoconiosis
- 非生产性 unproductive; nonproductive 非生产性工程 nonproductive construction; 削减非生产性开支 reduce [cut down] nonproductive expenditure; 非生产性人员 nonproductive personnel
- 非生产性的 nonoperating; nonproductive
- 可生产性 manufacturability; producibility
- 连续生产性 successive productivity
- 毛皮生产性 fur productivity
- 能生产性 fertility
- 绒毛生产性 wool productivity
- 生产性查询 production poll
- 生产性程序 production routine
- 生产性的 productive
- Classification of hazard levels due to exposure to industrial dust
生产性粉尘作业危害程度分级 - Rules of inspect for classification of hazard levels due to exposure to industrial dust
生产性粉尘作业危害程度分级检测规程 - Labour environment monitoring technoligical specification of electric power industry part 2 : monitoring of industrial dust